Personalize your Yoga Practice

Self-Practice at Yogavijnana
At Yogavijnana, we embrace the profound wisdom of Ayurveda, which teaches us that every individual is unique, shaped by their own prakruthi (nature). This uniqueness is why we believe that a general group yoga class cannot cater to everyone’s needs. Each practitioner’s physical, mental, emotional, and physiological state—what we call “boundary conditions” in engineering terms—varies from day to day. Yoga, as we practice and teach it, is not just physical exercise; it’s a subtle and transformative process of working with one’s energy to create a positive impact while respecting these boundary conditions.
Why Self-Practice?
Regular yoga classes are essential for learning the practices, but the true essence of yoga lies in applying these teachings to your unique state through self-practice. Continuously being led through classes can limit your capacity for growth. Our goal at Yogavijnana is to empower you to become independent in your practice, so much so that one day, you won’t need to attend classes anymore!
To support this journey, we conduct group classes just three days a week. This structure encourages you to dedicate the remaining days to self-practice, gradually integrating yoga into your life in a way that resonates deeply with your individual nature.
Overcoming Challenges
We understand that embarking on self-practice can feel daunting or even impossible at first. That’s why we’ve developed a variety of tools and resources to help you transition smoothly into this empowering habit. Our founder, Vinay, conducts frequent talks designed to equip you with the knowledge and guidance needed to navigate self-practice effectively. These sessions address common challenges and provide insights to deepen your understanding of yoga.
Freedom Through Practice
At Yogavijnana, we believe that yoga is a journey toward freedom—freedom from limitations, and ultimately, freedom from dependence on a teacher. Self-practice is a step in this direction, enabling you to explore your inner self with curiosity and confidence. We are committed to supporting you every step of the way, fostering an environment where self-discovery becomes a natural part of your practice.
Take the first step towards independence in your yoga journey. Embrace self-practice and experience the profound transformation it can bring to your life. Together, let’s explore the path to true freedom—one practice at a time.
Course Schedule
On days when no group classes or workshops are scheduled, the center is open for you to come and engage in self-practice. However one should be registered for our group classes or online classes to avail this option
We have built lot of online resource materials which will enable you to do your practice
Start your Yoga journey by attending Fundamentals of Yoga workshop
Key Benefits
Personalized to your unique needs.
Builds independence in practice.
Enhances self-awareness and growth.
Integrates yoga into daily life.
Encourages lifelong learning and freedom.
Just your presence